Interested persons are hereby notified that pursuant to Government Code § 1780 there is a Vacancy on the
Calaveras County Resource Conservation District Board of Directors
One vacancy for a term expiring 11/30/2026 – Member at Large
The RCD was approved by the Board of Supervisors and county voters to control runoff, prevent soil erosion, enhance water distribution, improve agricultural land capabilities, and conserve water, soil, air, and habitat and assisting residences and landowners with conservation practices.
Per state law, the qualifications and requirements for applicants are as follows: Applicants must be a registered voter and must either (1) reside within, and own property within the district, or (2) be a formally designated agent of a resident landowner within the district. Applicants cannot be directly or indirectly interested in the sale of equipment, materials, or services to the RCD and must file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) within 30 days of appointment, leaving office and annually.
Directors are selected by the Board of Supervisors
Please submit an application to:
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249
or email to:
Application can be found here:
CCRCD Board Member Application.pdf