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$3.4M is now available for farmers and ranchers in the Central Sierra looking to improve their soil health!

A scenic farm landscape with the logo "Central Sierra Healthy Soils Program" overlayed.

Placer RCD recently received $4,000,000 in funding from the California Department Food and Agriculture to form the Central Sierra Healthy Soils Program alongside other regional RCDs.

$3.4M will go directly to farmers and ranchers operating within Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, and Alpine counties.

Potential soil conservation practices include cover cropping, compost application, rangeland planting, pollinator hedgerow installation, mulching, reduced/ no tillage, and more.

Click here to learn more & submit an interest form!

Projects on individual farms will be awarded based on the following criteria: 

  1. The Program will ensure that at least one project will be awarded in each of the eight counties within the service area 
  2. The Program will allocate at least 25% of funding to support Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers 
  3. Additional projects will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. 

​Approximately 50 on-farm projects will be selected during the 4-year lifetime of this grant. Projects will be awarded until funds have been exhausted. If you are interested in participating in the Central Sierra Healthy Soils program, please fill out the Interest Form below. Translation services are available if needed.


Contact Trina Walley, Executive Director of Calaveras County Resource Consservation District,  if you have questions about the application process and potential soil health benefits  -